• Wed. Feb 12th, 2025



Travel insurance benefits: What are the benefits?

Traveling is one of the seven wonders of Brazilians. For those who are planning a vacation, it’s time to know the benefits of travel insurance . There’s nothing better than leaving in peace!


Those who wish to rest and replenish their energies to resume activities that are always so busy every day look forward to this moment of relaxation. it is not?

Whether alone or with family, it’s important to plan ahead, consider your destination, check tickets in advance to get a good price, book accommodation and purchase travel insurance.


But after all, is it really necessary to buy travel insurance? If you are new to this travel solution, we have prepared this article with valuable information to help you understand this important feature.

Travel Insurance Benefits: What is your need?


Whether your destination is a Brazilian city or abroad, it is highly recommended that you purchase travel insurance to know that you and your companions will be well taken care of in the event of an accident.


Of course, no one would think of that, but the insurance is there so you don’t have to worry about money and bureaucracy in those difficult moments at the end of the journey. Some travel insurance benefits:

  • Affordable Prices : International coverage from R$9.00 per traveler per day. For the National Insurance, this amount is R$ 6.00;
  • Lost Baggage : This is a common problem at airports all over the world and can cause a lot of discomfort. However, travel insurance, in addition to helping you find your luggage, also covers all costs incurred during your stay due to delays, damage to your luggage;
  • Medical and Dental Care : Guarantee of free emergency care at a partner hospital, or refund of the amount to be paid for one of these covered events;
  • Legal advice : including reimbursement of fees paid to lawyers, for example in the event of a road accident while traveling;
  • Medications : Travel insurance also covers the cost of medications issued for covered events during the trip;
  • Medical care for pregnant women: Pregnant women are more likely to feel sick and may need urgent care;
  • Medical Assistance for Seniors : Senior travelers should make special travel arrangements for their age, considering access to all the support they need;
  • Removal of mortal remains : Travel insurance provides for reimbursement for the release and transport of mortal remains to the city where the insured person is located in the event of death during the trip.

Travel insurance can be individual, where the policyholders are only contracting parties, or collective, and it also offers coverage for trips aimed at extreme sports or snow.

How important is insurance?

Before packing your bags and boarding a plane, you need to prioritize your peace of mind so that your trip doesn’t end badly if something unexpected happens, such as a health problem or an accident.


Some people forget to use this service when traveling, especially abroad. But it’s crucial to protect you and help you deal with concerns like lost luggage, illness or lost documents.

It is also worth remembering that travel insurance is mandatory in most European countries due to the Schengen Treaty.

The agreement allows travelers to move freely between European countries as long as they have travel insurance, which is a requirement of this version.

Know what travel insurance offers, the advantages of signing a contract and understand the regulations for such services.

What are the benefits of travel insurance?

One of the biggest benefits of travel insurance is saving money. At first glance, it might seem cheaper not to have insurance. But the compensation and assistance provided can easily offset the price paid when insured.

The plan must cover, at a minimum, the costs of medical, hospital and dental care, or in more serious cases, such as an accident with death or permanent or total disability.

Some packages include, among other possibilities:

  • Interruption or cancellation of the trip;
  • Baggage loss;
  • Assistance for pregnant women and the elderly;
  • Practice some sports during the trip;
  • Legal and pharmaceutical advice.

This service also guarantees that the insured will pay, in the form of compensation, the costs incurred in risk situations previously identified in the insurance policy. See below for more details on primary assistance:

1. Medical and dental care

This is usually the most common and necessary item in travel insurance. If any medical, hospital or dental assistance is required during the trip, we will pay or reimburse the expenses.

Insurance companies often mention these services when requesting, for example, an insured amount of EUR 30,000 or USD 10,000.

Imagine that you have experienced some misfortune that required medical care without insurance? Spending money you don’t expect can get in the way of your trip’s success.

For example, in some places, medical expenses are very expensive. In the US, hospitalization can cost up to $3,500 a day. Travel insurance costs around R$ 15 per day.

Don’t forget to check your plan’s conditions, but generally this coverage is for personal accidents, sudden or acute illnesses and pre-existing or chronic illnesses.

2. Pharmaceutical assistance

If you need to take any medication prescribed by your doctor or dentist while traveling due to an accident or health problem, your insurance will cover these costs.

It is recommended that you keep your prescription and expense receipts at the pharmacy to claim reimbursement. Medicines purchased without a prescription are non-refundable. This amount is covered up to the limit agreed in the travel insurance policy.

3. Coverage for preexisting diseases

SUSEP (Private Insurance Supervisory Authority) in Resolution CNSP 315 clarifies how this insurance applies to national and international travel:

Coverage is required for medical and/or dental expenses in the event of a crisis caused by a pre-existing or chronic medical condition when this results in an emergency or emergency medical condition for the insured.

4. Lost Baggage

One of the biggest fears of travelers is lost luggage. No one wants to reach their destination only to find their belongings are not in their hands!

Insurance for lost luggage is optional and can be requested by travelers when purchasing travel insurance.

Reimbursement is calculated based on the weight of the baggage registered on the ticket at the time of boarding, irrespective of the cost of its contents.

5. Trip cancellation

Your investment will be protected and canceling your trip will help you in the event of an unexpected event that prevents you from traveling.

As such, you will receive charges or fines for airlines, accommodations and tours purchased after the policy is issued.

There are different rules between insurers. Therefore, check the general conditions of the program before finalizing the negotiation!

6. Airline delay

Flight delays can cause discomfort such as missed connections, missed appointments, problems with accommodation bookings, etc.

Most travel insurance policies with this coverage will reimburse some of the costs that the regular carrier has not yet paid.

In general, if the delay in boarding is longer than six, eight or twelve hours, you can contact the insurance company.

7. Legal assistance

This is one of those extra coverages offered by insurers that a lot of people don’t know much about, and it helps a lot if you hire!

Coverage includes the reimbursement of expenses or the provision of similar services in accordance with the general conditions of the travel insurance purchased, limited to the amount of the insurance funds.

This guarantee is intended to cover the costs of legal assistance incurred by the insured for matters arising during the trip that require legal assistance.

Most travel insurance legal aid schemes cover the fees paid to a lawyer in connection with a road accident.

Even if there are no victims in the accident and there is a complaint against the traveler, he needs legal support to resolve the issue.

8. Service in Portuguese

Have you ever thought about an emergency in another country where you need to call the insurance company and have trouble speaking in another language?

To avoid this, check with the insurance company of your choice to see if they offer services in Portuguese. Therefore, in unforeseen and emergency situations, it will be one less problem.

When you need support, being available in your language is essential to communicate when you need it.


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